API response times are slow
Harsh Singh2
6 years ago

I am using BUGZILLA API 5.1.2, PERL Module, Microsoft IIS Server and MYSQL is for database. When I submit any bug on BUGZILLA or call API to get the products, groups then API response time is very slow, It takes around 2.5 sec or more.

Any ideas to get response fast.

Thanks & Regards,
Harsh Singh

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Thorsten Schöning
6 years ago
Guten Tag Harsh Singh2,
Post by Harsh Singh2
I am using BUGZILLA API 5.1.2, PERL Module, Microsoft IIS Server
and MYSQL is for database. When I submit any bug on BUGZILLA or call
API to get the products, groups then API response time is very slow, It takes around 2.5 sec or more.
At first and if you wasn't aware yet, Bugzilla 5.1.2 is an unstable
development version, so don't rely on it for anything.

Said that, Perl on Windows without mod_perl is slow in general and
2,5 seconds per request look pretty normal from my experience with my
own Perl-based web app on Windows. That's one reason we simply don't
host under Windows, as getting mod_perl to work with IIS or Apache
httpd is somewhat difficult.


You can have a look at things like FastCGI etc. as well, there are
multiple technologies available out there, but the combination of Perl
and IIS is simply not that common (anymore). The easiest really would
be to install some Linux-VM and host there using httpd and mod_perl.

Besides that, your question is too generic to be answered. If things
are too slow for you, you need to first check where the bottlenecks
are, which might be none at all simply because Perl on Windows is
slow, or at CPU/disk/network-level or whatever. You need to debug that
on your own using appropriate tools like Wireshark to see how long
connects take, Process Monitor and Explorer to see about load of CPU
and I/O etc.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning
Thorsten Schöning E-Mail: ***@AM-SoFT.de
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme http://www.AM-SoFT.de/

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