2018-08-23 12:10:17 UTC
Is it possible to run bugzilla over a readonly database?
Use Case: A mirror server connected to a mirror database (a slave, which only allows readonly access). In the event of a live server failure, depending on the nature of the failure, we might want to allow readonly access to the mirror server (for information lookup) without going full-hog switch over to mirror (of the downtime on the the live server is expected to be short).
When I try, bugzilla complains that the DB is readonly and can't insert records on logincookies.
Use Case: A mirror server connected to a mirror database (a slave, which only allows readonly access). In the event of a live server failure, depending on the nature of the failure, we might want to allow readonly access to the mirror server (for information lookup) without going full-hog switch over to mirror (of the downtime on the the live server is expected to be short).
When I try, bugzilla complains that the DB is readonly and can't insert records on logincookies.